Friday, February 6, 2009

kai and li...

The boys are getting so big...

coping with the heat...

Haven't written for a while... Life has been quite hectic lately, mainly just trying to keep everyone cool (tempers & temperatures) in this horrible heatwave. We have basically been shutting the house up in the morning and using the evaporative run-off in the kids pool in the afternoon. It hasn't been so bad and at least we have the evaporative cooling, some of our friends up here don't have any cooling and it's been unbearable for them. I have had some pretty bad morning sickness and have been laying around a lot... it's so easy to forget how horrible the first trimester is. I had to forgo my Leonard Cohen ticket last night as I just wasn't up to sitting in a hot arena even for that and I was so sad when Mart rang mid way through the concert to tell me how it was going. It sounds like an amazing event, I just couldn't do it, no matter how much I wished I could. Tomorrow is expected to be HOT again with very dangerous fire conditions, so fingers crossed Victoria gets through this one without any fire damage.