Thursday, March 26, 2009

teddy bear picnic at the pre-school

Today we met Kai for lunch at his pre-school, all the kids brought along a teddy bear and it was pretty cute. Liam loved being able to spend some time actually playing at the school as usually we are whisking him away after we have dropped Kai off. I made a cake and some of Kai's friends shared it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

things getting back to normal...

It's been a pretty rough month this end... I think my last post was something about the hot weather coming and hopefully we will be spared any major fires in Vic... well needless to say, that didn't happen. The fires were horrible and we were in and out of our house for about a 2 weeks. It was really upsetting for all of us, but mainly the kids felt the mood change. Liam started to wake often in the night after sleeping right through for almost a year, Kai's behavior was pretty erratic at times, he was having a hard time making sense of everything. I was feeling violently ill and Eli was becoming increasingly more homesick.
I am really happy to say things have started to settle down and our little house is starting to feel harmonious again.
Liam is pretty much back into a good sleep routine and I feel like Kai has calmed down and is able to communicate better his feelings and thoughts. Eli seems to be happy again pottering around the garden. He has planted so many veges and herbs, it's funny because I have been practically bed-ridden I have hardly even noticed the plantings, then when I took a walk outside, wow, we have tomatoes, basil, squash, parsley... not to mention all the fruit trees survived the heat and seem to be thriving.