Friday, June 26, 2009

chillys in the hillys...

It's been pretty chilly this week. Lots of fires going at night and rugging up during the day. Eli got back on Wednesday and it's been great to have him back home again. He is adjusting to the cold and time difference, so he has been a bit dazed. The kids are pretty cute with him, they keep running up to him for a hug and kiss, It's like they keep seeing him for the first time. It just makes you realize how much of our comings and goings effect them... they absorb everything even if it doesn't seem like it.
I have been working a little, but also just putting a lot of time into the house. It's amazing how when it's cold you have to do lots of prep, make sure fire is ready for the night chill, make sure all beds have warm, fresh sheets, hot water bottles, hot chocolates... I must admit though, I kind of love it. I remember when I was young I would love to play nurse and make everything perfect for my sick patient, it's like that again... I love making all the small details around the house perfect for everyone. I warm PJs at night and set up fire so it only needs a match to go, I even love having dinner on the go before the kids get home so they can walk into the warm aroma. Anyway, this will all probably fly out the window once I'm knee deep in nappies and baby puke... but for now it's fun trying to be Carol Brady : )

Friday, June 19, 2009

funny little boy...

Liam has been talking so much these last few weeks... He is saying such funny little things, like "I love you darling" to his nanny. He always needs to talk on the phone whenever I am on it and is now able to say more and more. It's so fun to watch him develop, Mum keeps telling me to get the video camera out as we are really slack about videoing anything, I know she is right, it will all pass by in the blink of an eye... hmmmm, must remember to ask E where the camera is when he gets back.