Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday Night with Mart and Spidey...

We have been so lucky to have a steady stream of aunties and Nanas and Grandpas coming to visit so we don't get lonely while Dad is away. Mart came up tonight and the kids love having Spidey here. Spider is actually asleep on Kai's bed right now and it was the easiest Kai has ever gone to sleep... I can really see Kai wanted a dog at some stage in the future.
I made scrambled eggs for dinner which seems to be the one thing that the kids completely finish off with no crumbs left.
I was actually a bit worried because one of our chickens went missing tonight and I was out with the torch looking for her and finally found her on top of the chainlink fence around the side of the house, I think she may have flown up there and gotten stuck, I was really glad to get her back into the pen safe and sound... I love those chickens... and not just for the yummy scrambled eggs : )

friday night at our house...

Celeste and Owen came over last night for pizza. I was feeling pretty tired but was really glad for the company. The boys jumped around for a little while and then spontaneously took off their clothes and crashed out in a heap. I was a bit of a screechy Mum last night and now looking back at these photos see that the boys were just being boys and having a lot of fun... I think I'll try and lighten up a bit next time.