Friday, December 17, 2010

school break-up...

All of us prep mums and kids got together for a little party after school break-up today. It was really lovely, especially as some of the kids are leaving the school. Zoe is also somewhere in the crowd if you can spot her : )


Zoe had so much fun climbing up and sliding down the slide at Simmone's on Monday. She didn't need any help and just went for it!

Monday, October 11, 2010

pictures tell the story...

I know it's a bit of a cop out, but no time to write. Here are some pics of the last few weeks, which include Nana's visit, Trip to Phillip Island and our trip to Dalesford...

Friday, September 24, 2010

my beautiful, blurry family...

We got our portrait taken toda. Judy took a couple of snaps from the side which I thought looked really nice even though a little blurry. Judy leaves tomorrow to go back to Boston. One more week of school holidays and then life should start to take on a little more routine... until then I'll be trying as hard as I can to go with the flow... and not sink in the undertow, yikes!!!

go saints!!!

homage to my home town...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


It looks like the weather might be a bit iffy on Sunday. We are still going ahead with the party at Jells Park but are changing the location to the PINE PICNIC AREA.

Take the NORTH ENTRANCE off Waverly Road and follow the road around past the first carpark until you see the signs for Pine Picnic Area.
We will be located in one of the two shelters near the playground.

See you there.

Monday, August 9, 2010


my girls...

some little tiles...

Been painting a little to combat all these white walls (which I actually love).

july-august... how the time has flown...

So busy these days it's hard to get to writing much at all.
Zoe, growing into a giant.
Liam,beyond adorable... most of the time.
Kai, growing so quickly and so in tune with everything that is going on.
Eli, finished working on The Killer Elite, and now looking for some new work prospects while working on small jobs around the house...
and Jo, well, I'm pretty much flat out keeping the house running and getting the kids to school.

Zoe very sleepy in Dad's arms.

Mumma and Zoegirl.

Around the table after breakfast.

Boys in front of Nanny's new gas heater.

Zoe settling into some good sleep after a visit from the sleep nurse.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

school holidays begin...

Trying to think about what to do over the next two weeks to maintain some sort of sanity. Got lots planned, just have to make sure I keep on track taking the kids out everyday. It just becomes too rowdy when we try and stay home for a day. My other Mum friends are interested in creating a roster these holidays so we can all take it in turns to mind the kids and each of us can have a break... phew. Eli off to another grueling week of Killer Elite.
Photos: Liam graduates to a blue and white striped belt, Zoe starts to play at the indoor playground and a car full of monsters head off on a rainy Saturday.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

long time since writing...

It's so hard to get a minute to sit and write, but I will endeavor to be a more frequent blogger, hoping that peoples still remember to log on.
Things have been busy to say the least, it seems on a Monday that I have so much time during the week to get this and that done and before I know it it's Friday and the weekend. It's great I guess, but boy is time flying and I have to remember to just sit and take in everything that is happening as this is such a special time for us all, the kids being so young and growing so fasat.
Kai is just amazing me at how grown up he is these days. He comes out with all kinds of little thoughts he's been having and I have to really check myself before I just quickly dismiss what he is saying. I tell myself "Jo, this is when Kai is just soaking up everything we say, make it meaningful"... Its just that I get so caught up in everything else I forget and just end up humoring the kids when they come out with these pearls of wisdom.

Mum has finished her renovation... pheww. So happy for her to see she has some of lifes little luxuries now. I just love thinking of her finally feeling so proud of her place and so happy to have people visit... I am enjoying it more through her than if it were me I think... although her renovation has made me really keen to get stuff updated here. We have been here three years and things we said we would undertake when we moved in are unchanged and sometimes it drives me a bit bonkers. Not that I can complain as my darling husband has been working his proverbial ass off the last few months. He's so reliable and steady and I feel really proud of him that he has achieved all he has in these last few years. He really made a go of it when things looked pretty bleak for him in Melbourne work wise not too long ago.

So off to St K again tomorrow for a small celebration of my Nana and Grandpa's 60th anniversary. Even though grandpa is gone we wanted to show Nana that everyone appreciates their union and all it has created... Jeepers they have left their legacy on this mortal coil.

Will write more soon... until then a few picks of the precious ones.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

gaye's birthday

I took Liam and Zoe into town today for a picnic at Alma Road Park for Gaye's 53rd birthday. I picked up Nana on the way. We all arrived at the same time and spent about 3 hours sitting around chatting. It was pretty cold even though the sun was out. I don't mind so much when Melbourne Autumn feels like it should. It's when it feels like Feb in the middle of April that unnerves me.
I got Gaye a really simple black wool top for the coming chilliness, and opted for some more colorful winter tights to the plain black ones I had originally intended to get her.
Mum went back with the gals to St Kilda (I thought she was coming to stay with us for a while). She is roughing it in her half finished renovated flat. I can't wait until it's finally done and we can look around at all that has changed without the debris.
Kai and E stayed home resting up. Kai has been pretty sick, actually we have all been run down with some cold or other. Back home now and about to get everyone bathed and bedded... then time out for Mum and Dad : )

Monday, April 5, 2010

train ride into the aquarium...

We took the boys into the Melbourne Aquarium today. We took the train in and it was pretty fun. Too many people for such a small aquarium I thought, but it was great to see the penguins and the sharks with the kids. Zoe was loving the huge fish tanks.
It was nice way to spend a sunny holiday.

grumpy mum...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

dollhouse of my dreams...

Classic example of living my childhood through my kids. Picked up this dollhouse from a yard sale. I painted, renovated and got some new furniture. I don't think the kids appreciate it anywhere near as much as I do. Maybe Zoe will?

daggin' around in st. kilda...

Spent Sunday with Mart just wandering around St. Kilda.
Grand Prix buzzing in the background.
Got a $20 toasted sandwich for the boys.
Adventured to the playground.
jets roaring overhead.
Wowed by the 747 low fly over.
Coffee from the Gal.
Gaye made yummiest chicken burgers ever.
Mum played games with the boys.
Had a little parking/Grand Prix convo with Joe Camilleri...
Great Day in my old hood.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

camping and grandpa's visit...

We went away to Queenscliff this week. Had a great time. We borrowed Uncle Tony's RV and set up and a pretty swanky caravan park for a few days. The kids had an amazing time and made friends immediately with a group of kids down the way. There was a pool, jumping pillow and movie room, so maybe not so much like real camping, more like 5 star caravan parking. Anyway, whatever you call it, we had a great time. Grandpa Walter has been staying for a couple of weeks and is due to fly home tomorrow. He has done pretty well being around the kids so much (probably more than all his time with them combined before). They have really gotten a chance to know him and I can see that one day we will be shipping them off to Vermont for a Summer or Winter vacation (not for a while yet).
The kids and I got home on Sunday to go to a party for Nana's family in Jells Park. Is was a nice way to end a really lovely week.

few more pics...

camping, party and merry march pics...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

school daze...

Starting to get used to our new schedule with Kai's school. He seems to be settling in fine with not too much ado. Before school the parents and kids tend to gather near the playground where the kids can swing and run until the bell rings. I was standing there when an unruly child send their school hat wizzing past my head... only to look around and see Kai spinning his wide brimmed hat through the air, followed by all the other kids, much to their parents dismay. I was quite amused today because when we turned up to as school one of the other preps yelled to his Dad "There's Kai, he's my mortal enemy", they then preceded to run around the playground laughing and wrestling, I turned to his Dad and said "Mortal enemies that can't keep away from each other". I am really loving watching Kai adapt to this newfound independence. I think he's thriving!
Oh and a pic of Zo and I taken on the weekend : )

Monday, February 1, 2010

kaisy starts school...

We got a late start and it was all a bit hectic, but we got there and kai has officially started grade Prep. He seemed a little apprehensive this morning, especially as Mum was bugging out trying to get the perfect picture outside the house (see the grumpy Kai pics), but lightened up as soon as we got to class and he saw all his friends. Anyway it's almost time to pick him up and I have barely had a minute to take it all in. Here's to a long and productive school life for our little darling.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

australia day with my babies...

We all decided to hang around at home today. I had been contemplating going into St Kilda and trying to see a movie with Mum. I was thinking maybe Gaye could have minded the boys. Mum was seeing The Lovely Bones and I really would love to see it, I read and loved the book.
Anyway, I'm glad we all decided to stay up here instead it was quiet and restful, as much as can be with Kaisy and LiLi running around.
Eli is off to work tonight de-rigging (is that a word) for The Big Day Out.
Oh actual it's called a load out, that's right.
Only a few days to go until Kaisy starts school. Pics will definitely be up of the big school boy on the day.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

somebody can't do this...

Funny pics of Kaisy, with a sleepy LiLi in background.

did i mention we have a little girl?

i couldn't be a happier mum. The boys are great and Zo, an angel.
We are all camped out inside today to avoid the heat outside.
Boys are going stir crazy but I just can't even contemplate getting them all in the car and going somewhere.
Only four more stinkers to go.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

family pics

Been having a pretty mellow start to the year. Kids have been home from school, Eli has been building his water loop system outside and I have been trying to get some kind of routine happening with Zoe. Still not too good at getting my babies into a sleeping/eating routine. I actually think i need some help with this. Today we went to the school to play, we met Simmone and co, and Celeste walked there with me. Gaye is here helping me this afternoon, and it's all made for a pretty stress-free day... phew, i needed it!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

happy new year...

Welcome 2010! Looking forward to a wonderful and fun year with my beautiful family and friends.
We spent New Year's Eve celebrating over at Andrew and Roula's. It was really lovely, intimate and mellow. Roula's family were there and cooked a whole lamb on the spit. It is a little confronting spending the night face to face with a little cooked lamby, enough to make me go vego for sure. But it was quite yummy I must admit.
We all danced around the back while the sky lit up and thundered above us, it was quite awesome.
The kids had a ball and all stayed up to count the new year in, for the first time.
For some reason Liam was quite determined to get everyone to stand in a circle, and I am wondering why it was so important... funny little possum.
Anyway, we all got home and to bed at around 1:30, then spent the day yesterday laying around and taking naps.
A wonderful start to what I am hoping will be a peace filled, enlightened year for all.