Wednesday, March 17, 2010

camping and grandpa's visit...

We went away to Queenscliff this week. Had a great time. We borrowed Uncle Tony's RV and set up and a pretty swanky caravan park for a few days. The kids had an amazing time and made friends immediately with a group of kids down the way. There was a pool, jumping pillow and movie room, so maybe not so much like real camping, more like 5 star caravan parking. Anyway, whatever you call it, we had a great time. Grandpa Walter has been staying for a couple of weeks and is due to fly home tomorrow. He has done pretty well being around the kids so much (probably more than all his time with them combined before). They have really gotten a chance to know him and I can see that one day we will be shipping them off to Vermont for a Summer or Winter vacation (not for a while yet).
The kids and I got home on Sunday to go to a party for Nana's family in Jells Park. Is was a nice way to end a really lovely week.

few more pics...

camping, party and merry march pics...