Sunday, May 16, 2010

gaye's birthday

I took Liam and Zoe into town today for a picnic at Alma Road Park for Gaye's 53rd birthday. I picked up Nana on the way. We all arrived at the same time and spent about 3 hours sitting around chatting. It was pretty cold even though the sun was out. I don't mind so much when Melbourne Autumn feels like it should. It's when it feels like Feb in the middle of April that unnerves me.
I got Gaye a really simple black wool top for the coming chilliness, and opted for some more colorful winter tights to the plain black ones I had originally intended to get her.
Mum went back with the gals to St Kilda (I thought she was coming to stay with us for a while). She is roughing it in her half finished renovated flat. I can't wait until it's finally done and we can look around at all that has changed without the debris.
Kai and E stayed home resting up. Kai has been pretty sick, actually we have all been run down with some cold or other. Back home now and about to get everyone bathed and bedded... then time out for Mum and Dad : )