Monday, September 26, 2011

out in the yard all weekend...

What a difference a trampoline, some decking and a bit of hard work make. If you are familiar with our backyard, it's pretty wild, to say the least... we have been completely overrun with the most pervasive weeds and it's just such an overwhelming task trying to control them. But bit by bit we have been chipping away at small areas of the garden. It's still a weed wasteland mostly, but I felt pretty pleased with my efforts on our small rock garden here... I wish I had have taken a "before" photo as then it would been more obvious what a change it is. Kids LOVING the trampoline and we have roughly spent more time outside this weekend than in the last 6 months combined... hooray!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

i love this photo...

Mum just sent me this old photo. It was taken at my aunty Gemma's house. She had a massive big valour bean bag that i used to fall asleep in... It felt safe and warm.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

zoe's birthday party

We had a really lovely day on saturday for Zo's second birthday... She loved running around and being the centre of attention, and especially loved her angel wings (she ran straight to the mirror to check herself out). Here are some pics...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

weekend shenanigans...

night out for the units...

Parentals that is. We went and saw Love Never Dies on Sunday night. Eli got tickets to go because he is helping to film the production. I got to meet the people he has been working with for the last couple of years which was nice. Loved being out without the kids for a change. We went to the Japanese restaurant Chocolate Buddha in Fed square which was pretty good, i will definitely go back again but have a better idea of what to order next time. The show was pretty full-on. I really enjoyed it and was blown away by the sets and costumes. Mum looked after the kids and all were sound asleep when we got home.... ahhhh... heaven!

twinkle twinkle...

i can't believe zo is turning 2...

Feels like i missed her whole infancy in the blur of sleep deprivation... least I have the pics to remind me.