Tuesday, October 25, 2011

roll up, roll up, roll up...

We got tickets to go to the new circus show on. All tricks by Kai, Liam and Zoe, costumes by Nana Judy!

lovey doves...

Kaisy had his first "real" ride on the Cha-Cha at the St Kilda Primary School fete... totally LOVED it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

cubby house moved....

Eli has been working his bum off getting the cubby moved so we can start thinking about dropping THE tree. The kids are well pleased with new spot. Meanwhile I've been pottering around the garden trying to get things done, not knowing at all what I am doing but loving it all the same : )

zo at ceres...

Mum invited us to her friend Carmel's 60th birthday at Ceres in Brunswick, it was totally awesome and inspiring. The kids had a great time running around the gardens and playground and then we all sat around a big bonfire... we all left totally worn out... fun!

squeaky clean kids...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

come over to our house for tea... so relaxing...

boys turn 7 and 5...

We had a great time at tree adventure and the rain held off for most of the afternoon. So much fun watching all the little kids either ploughing straight ahead through the courses, or overcoming apprehension and fear to continue on the tough bits. We had family around on the Sunday which was also mellow and lovely. A full weekend for the boys. Happy birthday to our two beautiful, very naughty, frustrating, funny, happy, kind, fair, challenging, smart, and full-of-life Librans. Here are some pics...

zoe girl...

at the park with kids...