Thursday, November 17, 2011

just back from kingscliff...

We had a fantastic time in Queensland. The kids loved all the theme parks and going to the beach. It started out action-packed – visiting Dream World and White Water World on the day after getting there, then on to Byron Bay the next day – but slowly we started to settle into the vacation and relax. Already planning our trip for next year! Here are some pics...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

trick or treating with the cardboard gun...

I caved in last night and let Kai take a cardboard gun trick or treating. I knew he would be pointing it at people (which he did), I definitely wouldn't let him take a nerf gun but eventually conceded on the cardboard cutout. I wouldn't say he is overly obsessed with toy guns but he definitely likes and wants to hold them... I'm just fighting an uphill battle trying to keep him away from them. Anyway, I had to show this picture because I think the kids look so awesome, regardless of the silly gun. I took them around the Upwey streets and we had a really nice time. It was just the three of us awandering around spotting the houses with balloons (which indicates trick or treat friendly houses). Last year we bumped into other kids from Kai's school and ended up joining in with them, but this time it was just us and I really enjoyed just holding the boys hands as we criss-crossed our way along the streets.