Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

summer dayz...

yesterday was a hotty (39ยบ). Previously in the week Paula and i had organised to have a BBQ and even though it was a total fire ban day we were able to still do it using the webber. Kids had a great time running around under the sprinkler and we all sat outside enjoying the last of the sunlight until the mozzies forced us in. I spent most of the night pottering away and was called to task by Paula for being too distracted a host and she's probably right. It's really hard for me to switch out of my daily routines of picking up and cleaning up after the kids into relaxing and being with my friends. I'll get it all into balance one day... maybe.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

this is us at ikea...

here's what i love about this photo...

I'm turning 40 and i'm happy, surrounded by my loving family and friends. I live in a beautiful area and have a great (albeit old and crooked and falling down the hill) house. My job is satisfying and i feel safe and secure pretty much all the time. When I was going through a particularly dark period in my life I was in a session with a therapist i saw twice a week for over a year. On this particular session she asked me to sit quietly and slowly form a picture of my future life. The life i always wanted and dreamed to live. And then she asked me to tell her what i saw. The main things i saw were children (this was way before we had Kai)... and then i saw myself cooking, I had kids running around and i was looking onto a green garden. I felt secure. I had so much love. I had big comfortable furniture (don't ask me why but the couches featured very prominently in this vision). This was my happiest me i could envision and it made me cry when i was talking about it because that was so far away from my reality then and the pain i was going through. So now 13 years later, I am 40 and I am looking at this picture and thinking about that session with Dr Evelyn Goodman and thinking i've been so blessed to reach this point. I'm happy. I'm surrounded by children. And I have love and support all around me. And I have cheesecake, which is just an added bonus : )

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

road trip 2013

Have a look at the pics of our adventure...

claire and dan's wedding in the hunter region, nsw...

Claire and Dan managed to create a beautiful wedding despite the horrifically hot weather. We really enjoyed the day, even though as Liam put it "we felt like roast chickens" for most of it. The surroundings were just stunning... vineyards as far as the eye could see. The kids made new friends... Kai had to be reminded often to drink water as he was so busy playing with his new friends he would forget and come over to us panting and boiling hot. Liam relaxed in the shade while Zoe took most of her clothes off after the ceremony and lay back on the couches. We all spent the day drinking water and soda to keep cool and hydrated, then had a wonderful, fully catered BBQ lunch. Have a look...