Friday, January 17, 2014

Amazing time in Sydney with my little boy...

Liam and I had a fantastic 2 days away in Sydney together. This was Nanny Moogie's generous gift to for his 7th birthday. We had so much fun wandering around the sunny, Sydney Streets. My favourite place was down by the Quay where the cool breezes blew. The great thing we discovered about Sydney is that there are so many fountains and water features around there is always somewhere to sit and cool off. The T-Rex exhibition was great fun. I really think Liam had a tailor-made experience just for him, Luna Park, boat rides, splashy fountains, plane rides and dinosaurs. I think this will be a hard one to beat.

Discovering a great fountain in Hyde Park.

Last hour to relax before heading off to catch our flight home.

Smelly, old-fashioned toilets at the Rocks.

Liam in his new paleontologist costume from the museum.

Liam gets to join in the dino show.

Jumping on the huge Stonehenge pillow.

Chilling in our beautiful room at the Y.

Loving having a bath again!

Liam played in this one for about an hour.

Luna Park here I come!

On the Ferris Wheel overlooking the harbor.

Liam not scared at all on the Ferris Wheel.

Li's first Ferry ride.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Our beautiful Kai...

Today i took the kids for a play at the Big Slide playcentre. It's a pretty heinous place but i thought it would be good for them to get some energy out. Kaisy is getting a bit too old for it now and usually complains about going. He actually complains a lot these days. He seems happiest in his own world, playing his computer or reading, mostly playing the computer.
Eli and I have been troubled lately worrying about our Kai and trying to work out why he seems discontented and restless. We now know he has ADHD and we are finding different strategies and tools to help him navigate life with his inconsistent energy bursts and impulsive behaviors.
Today i was a little pissed off because i know i had to get him out of the house and while the other kids are enthusiastic to go Kai gives static and i just didn't have the patience or energy to compromise with him.
So i told him since i'd payed $35 to get into the place they had to play and make the most of it.
I noticed Kaisy playing around the indoor soccer field while the other kids happily ran around laughing.
After reading for a while i looked up and was glad to see Kai was having a go on the big slide and even seemed to have made a friend around the same age. As they came zooming down the slide i saw Kai and his new friend start running and laughing back to the top for another go, then i saw Kai turn around and stop as his new friend ran off. There was a girl about his age who was whimpering behind him, i think she may have banged her elbow on the way down. He stayed with her for about 20 seconds to see if she was ok. I could tell from a distance he was encouraging her to get back to the top and slide again. After a little while when he could see she was ok he ran off again to catch up with his new friend and slide again.
It really touched me that he showed such kindness and concern for this girl and didn't just race off.
Even though after about 15 more minutes he was back at my side nagging me to go i had that moment where my heart just exploded with love for him.