Monday, September 3, 2007

so excited...

My very own website is being developed and should be live soon. I have wanted to create a site to showcase my work for ages but haven't even gotten around to it. Actually I have designed about 5 different sites, but always ended up not liking the design enough to move forward with publishing. Now I feel really comfortable with the image I am presenting. I hope this really gives me the boost I need to start to try and get some work here. I'll post the link when it goes live.

All is well this end. Kaisy, Liam and I had a funday at the park. We got the train there and had a little picnic. Kaisy loved that. He had PB sandwiches and fruit and he seems to really enjoy the whole concept of the picnic. It's getting a little easier with both of them at the park. Liam is playing more but they are still on completely differnt levels. Kai is racing around while I sit with Li. It gets a bit scary because I want to keep my eye on them both at all times and it's just impossible. Kai is often off and away before I can see where he has gone, he is usually somewhere close, but he never answers when I call him. I feel like I am forver calling out "Kai" just to get a response. I wish he knew the game of Marko-polo, The I could just call "Kai" from where I am sitting and he can call back"here" would make life so much easier.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet site and lovely shot of you. Let us know when it is live, up and running.