Sunday, July 6, 2008

night out with the girls...

I had a wonderful night out with all my friends last night. We went to a bar/cafe called the Local in St Kilda. I was a little nervous as I hadn't seen everyone together for a long time. I guess I don't naturally make an effort to reconnect with old friends, I have always let connections fade away and move on, but it has been so lovely and natural to see all my old friends. I have had to confront a lot of fear I had about it and am very glad I have. I love that I am now close with Simmone again (one of my childhood/adolescent best friends). And now seeing all the girls (Brooke, Sasha, Bec, Jeannette and Kate) makes me realize that even though time passes and we all change and move on, grow up, it still really great to catch up.

Everything here is Upwey is fine. Kids are getting over colds and doing great. I took them both to have immunizations on Friday. It was hard for Kai. He was so unaware of what was coming with the needle and when it finally spiked him he was so surprised and freaked out. Liam not so bad.

Here are a few pics of us playing at home...

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