Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the little ones...

mid august...

So it happened for the first time... Eli and I totally forgot our wedding anniversary. Oh well, life is pretty busy and I guess it just slipped our minds. We have now been married for 9 years. That is a pretty huge accomplishment I think. We have two beautiful boys, a beautiful house in the hills, wonderful family and friends... what more could we want.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

yukky stomach bug...

Gosh, this season we have really been slammed with viruses and bugs. Anyway Eli and I are still recovering from a pretty miserable 24 hour stomach flu. The kids seem OK which is good, they went to school, giving us a chance to sleep all day. We even watched a movie, Gangs of New York. I hadn't seen it since watching at the cinema in New York. I really love Daniel Day Lewis, he is just amazing, although the blood and gore didn't help my tummy much. Eli is set to go back to the bar tomorrow and I am planning on filling in for a Mother's netball team in the morning... crazy!

Friday, August 1, 2008

having dinner at zugame's...

Hmmm, I thought maybe it would be a nice idea to all go out to dinner tonight as I am still pretty sacked out with the flu. I had heard about this place where the kids can play while we eat. Sounded too good to be true... and it was. It was basically a Tab hotel with a small indoor playground. Either E or I had to be looking after the kids playing and took it in turns to eat our meal.
I took Liam up into a minature climbing maze and then realized I was completely claustrophobic. I had millions of little kids climbing over me as I navigated my way back out...freaky. We got a movie on the way home for the boys from the video shop called The Iron Giant. It was a great movie and we all ended up having a nice mellow night.
Maybe no more Zugame's though... for a while anyway...