Friday, August 1, 2008

having dinner at zugame's...

Hmmm, I thought maybe it would be a nice idea to all go out to dinner tonight as I am still pretty sacked out with the flu. I had heard about this place where the kids can play while we eat. Sounded too good to be true... and it was. It was basically a Tab hotel with a small indoor playground. Either E or I had to be looking after the kids playing and took it in turns to eat our meal.
I took Liam up into a minature climbing maze and then realized I was completely claustrophobic. I had millions of little kids climbing over me as I navigated my way back out...freaky. We got a movie on the way home for the boys from the video shop called The Iron Giant. It was a great movie and we all ended up having a nice mellow night.
Maybe no more Zugame's though... for a while anyway...

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