Tuesday, September 30, 2008

kai and liam's party...

We had a beautiful day in the park. It looked like rain all morning, but then the sun came out just as the party started and it stayed sunny all day. It was a magical day with our family and friends. Eli had brought his hammock, which was a big hit. We had footballs and soccar balls flying around all day. I almost kicked a ball into both my nanas at one point and decided to stop playing in case I did any real damage. Kai and Liam were thoroughly exhausted by the end of the party. They had so much fun and have been playing with all their new toys and reading all their new books. Thank you to everyone who came along to make this a real birthday to remember.
PS: Also thank you to Nana Judy for flying so far to come and whom helped so much along the way...


Saturday, September 27, 2008

grand final bbq...

Just got back from a lovely barby at Dan and Brads.
Here is a funny photo of Simmone and I in the kitchen.
It was just one of those quintessential Australian days, with the grand final in the background, Paul Kelly & Aussie Crawl playing inside, and the kids kicking the footy around the yard.
It made me quite emotional, as I feel so much like coming home was the right thing to do for us and everything is falling into place. E was really bonding with the blokes and that was also great to see.

gaye's book meeting...

We have been meeting about once every 2 months to talk about the books we are reading. It is lovely to get together with my beautiful aunties, nana and friends and talk about books. It always leads to other great conversations.
I do feel like my books are a little low-brow though compared to the other books...
hmmm.. may have to finally start reading Crime and Punishment next...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

happy birthday kai's and liam...

Yesterday we got the little club house bulit for the boys. It looks fantastic. I was a little worried as it is a little way away from the house, but it turns out that it is just perfectly placed. They seem to love it already. I am just imagining sunny days lazing around in the back of the yard. It is shaded a little by the trees so it shouldn't get too, too hot.
I am madly trying to get ready for the boy's party. I am doing the usual and making the decision early to get help with the food etc, but then at the last minute I end up deciding catering is just too expensive. So now I have a long list to go through to get things ready. Luckily I have the help of Mum, Marti and Gaye... and Nana Judy is here too, so it should be fine.

he's an artist!

Over at Nanny's the other day, Kai quickly scribbled this little "boidy"

Monday, September 8, 2008

renovations in the house...

I have been doing a lot of painting inside. For those who have been here you may remember that the inside walls are quite dark, a deep blue and rust color, just not my cupper at all. Anyway I have finally decided to freshen up the walls with some light (white actually) colors. I picked a very subtle green to break up the white. Anyway, it's moving along slowly as I have to work around the kids etc. But I am starting to really feel the change. I feel happier... lighter... feels like Spring is really here!