Monday, January 12, 2009

saturday with mart...

We went down to St. Kilda on Saturday instead of Sunday this weekend as we wanted to do some shopping on Chapel Street. It was getting pretty warm when we left and stayed sunny most of the day. I took the kids to the Library before we picked up Mart and Kai really loved it... I used to love St. K library too when I was a kid. Come to think of it I should have taken him outside to jump up on the ledge that runs all the way around... that was my favorite part. Actually now I am having another memory of a kid from school discovering that a lolly factory somewhere in the vicinity used to dump all the malformed snakes and jubes in the Library bins out the back and we used to ransack them... erhhhhhh...
And taking a trip down memory lane, we also re-discovered Alma Road Park which has had a lot of work done to it since we used to play there. The boys loved it. There was a flying fox and lots of other great things for them to play on... I think that may become one of our usual destinations now when we are wandering around St. Kilda.

Yesterday was pretty mellow, I got a chance to give the house a good clean, which felt good A good clean usually results in me piling up Eli's tools and junk in a huge pile beside the front door until it gets moved... which may not be any time soon, judging by his expression when he saw it.

I took Kai to Earthly Pleasures and met Gyps, everyone was there to listen to Andrew and Joel play. I talked to Joel later about maybe taking some guitar lessons, which I may or may not be able to afford.

Note: This week Kai's new thing is to tell mumma to "chill out mate" or just to "chill down"... it's a good reminder actually : )

1 comment:

Simmone said...

Oh Jo you guys made me home sick in your last post, that's my old park, I lived across the road for 8 years and went to that park often. Even walked Lily around it when she was a wee baby..and St Kilda Librar is my old haunt too. Let me know next time u go to Alma xx