Tuesday, September 15, 2009

she's here...

After a surprising early water break (38 weeks) Zoe was born on Saturday after a speedy labor (around 1 hour). Eli and I rushed off to the hospital after mum arrived to look after the boys only to be a bit worried as no signs of contractions or labour had started. I was actually starting to panic I had gotten everyone worked up for a false labor. The nurse was deciding whether to send us home when she suggested maybe Eli and I take a little walk to see if anything happened first. Within about 10 minutes I was on the floor crawling up the stairs to get back into the delivery room, with Eli laughing all the way. Marti arrived as the contractions started to get more frequent and stronger and we were well into the swing of it within about another 20 minutes.
OK so if you haven't had a baby yet and think you are going to maybe you might skip this bit : )
I had Zoe pretty much drug free (a little gas which kinda freaked me out) and even though it was pretty quick from go to whoa, I have never experienced so much pain in my life. The boys were both induced under an epidural and this was a complete shock to me. Eli is now telling me at one point i was screaming out "HELP! HELP!, WHAT'S GOING ON?" which everyone found kind of funny as it seemed pretty obvious to everyone there what was happening except me. I think I was fully expecting to have my drug fix and ease my way through the labor and by the time I was in full panic mode and begging for some drugs it was too late. Anyway, in retrospect I am so happy I have experienced a natural childbirth, but I am so glad that will be my last.
We are all settling in pretty well here, I am still pretty amazed I have a little girl, and I am a Mumma of three... who would have thunk it. What a blessed life I have with my little family.

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