Sunday, September 16, 2012

gypsy turns 40!

Had a great time with E and the gang at Gypsy's 40th in Yellingbo. A great farm hoedown complete with rockin' band, barn dancing and a huge bonfire. We just took Kai and he had such fun running around the paddocks in the dark with his new friends. All the kids roasted huge marshmallows on the bonfire. A lot of them brought along Nerf guns too and it seemed to me one situation that those things were actually ok. I kept finding myself being taken back to when i was a kid at a grown up party and how much fun we got up to while the adults weren't looking. I loved seeing Gypsy enjoy herself so much and be the centre of attention. I was so glad that i knuckled down and made her cake the size she needed and wated, it was perfect watching her blow out all those candles on her big white rose cake. Another great night with my beautiful best friends and family, ah, woke up this morning feeling really blessed.

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