Thursday, August 2, 2007

sick, cranky, but excited

Oh crappo, i'm sick again. It just seems that the kids and I pass this thing back and forth. I feel like I have been sick for weeks now. Kaisy and I also have a bad case of conjunctivitis. It stinks. BUT...
I am starting to get excited about the land/house prospect. Eli has been telling me more about when he took a walk around the land. There is a little running creek down at the edge of the property. He has talked about building a little deck down there. And maybe we could put a swing. Anyway, I know I shouldn't get emotional about it because we are not even sure we can secure financing etc. But I would just LOVE to put my heart and energy into this dream.

E was looking up some roofing material and the sample house image used on this site really gives the tone of the house we are wanting to build.

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