Friday, November 30, 2007

i got my hairs cut yesterday

feels much lighter
for summer : )
PS: Image is PS'ed
due to a bad skin
day. If celebs can do it,
so can I!

Monday, November 26, 2007

monday at the park...

Took the kids to the park this morning. Boys crashed out afterwards for over 3 hours, so I decided another park trip was needed to tire the troops out. We had fun showing Liam how to skate on the board. As usual Kai was elusive to the camera, but I managed to get a couple of pics. We are all anxiously waiting until we move into our new home.

Monday, November 19, 2007


susanna came over with the boys...

It was great to see them all again. Susanna is in town for a week visiting her parents, we all ate yummy cake and ate bagels, then we played trains in the kids room... just like old times : )

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

OK, I am throwing up the white flag... I have rung tweddles, baby sleep school

It has taken a lot, and at Mum's suggestion I have decided it might not be such a bad idea to get a little help. I think that if I can start a fresh with them sleeping in their own beds in the new house we will all be a lot happier...well E and I will be anyway.
Here is a photo of the boys opening a big box from Nana Judy. So many lovely things. They were thrilled.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

we all went for a little drive to upwey...

Mum and the boys and I went for a drive to Upwey. Mum wanted to see the house, even though we couldn't go in. Afterwards we went to a little park down the road. It was really beautiful and so fun to know soon it would be our home. As I was turning out of Deans Road I got a little confused and went back to driving on the American (Righthand) side of the road. A neighbor was coming into the road and gave me the worst look...ahhhh...hope he doesn't remember me.

Mum loved the house, location and atmosphere. She thinks it will be so great for Kai to be able to explore around the garden and land. I also imagine him running around and having so much fun.

We went and had lunch in Belgrave. There is a really great little cafe called the Queen of Tarts and i really enjoy having lunch there. Kai loves the op-shop next door. He came back with two new dolls. He loves to dress them, and then undress them. He calls them his "girls" funny.

It has been a warm and happy day. I have been feeling pretty wobbly with all the commotion and it's nice just to have an easy breezy day...I'll take it where I can : )

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

worry is over...the house is ours!

Eli just rang with the good news. Bank loan approved. Settlement day 14th December...what a birthday present.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

halloween party and extreme anxiety...

This week has been really hard for me. We are just waiting for the finalization of the loan and then the home is ours and until then I am worried sick something will go wrong. I know my worrying won't help anything or make things go faster but I am totally fixated on it. Today wasn't so bad. I have been a little more relaxed about the out come, but I am still going crazy waiting these final few days to see if everything goes through OK.
We just got back from Gyps and Brad's Halloween party, it was really fun, although a little hard with Liam. He was pretty tired and I couldn't really mingle as I had to sit and nurse him most of the night. Eli went in his kilt and Kai dressed as a fireman. I didn't get any photos as it all got a bit hectic. Luckily I got a couple of snaps of Gypsy, as she looked stunning. I went as an Indian bride/princess... it was a fun costume to put together, but not very good for nursing I found out later.