Wednesday, December 19, 2007

settling in...

Still total chaos up here, but we are starting to settle in. I made dinner tonight and am really loving this kitchen. It works so well, which is so great, seeing as I was getting over smacking my head on the oven hood in Ormond. We took the train to Belgrave today. It's a pretty full-on hike to get there, not in distance but steep incline. If I do that everyday I should be back to pre-baby Jo pretty soon. Eli and I went Christmas shopping for the boys yesterday and had such fun. We went a bit crazy I think. Oh well, this may be our last Christmas with a little cash in the bank so we decided to go for it. I am just so excited to see Kai's face in Christmas morning.

had a great birthday

We all had a really great time in St Kilda, waiting until E was finished moving us into the new house.
We had breaky at the Gal first. Liam had his first bubbacino which was funny.
Then we played at the park and had a rest. Gaye made one of her famous walnut cakes with Smarties. The highlight of the whole day was when we had all finished singing happy birthday and Liam sang "Happy Birthday to you" as clear as day. None of us could believe it. He hasn't come close to speaking as clearly since, so it was really special to have that happen then.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

kids at bonkers...

Took the boys to an indoor playground today. It has been raining all day, which is great for the earth, but not so great for our move tomorrow. The boys loved bonkers. It was not too bad for me. Sometimes these indoor centers are just an anxiety attack waiting to happen. Then I went and did a little Christmas shopping.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

last days in ormond...

We are pretty much packed. Sunday still seems an eternity away. Kaisy, Liam and I spent the day soaking up the sun and apricots, in the backyard. We went to a park earlier today and that was fun. Liam is walking a lot these last couple of days. He and Kai were really having fun together today.

Friday, December 7, 2007

the power-golub household on friday afternoon...

the apricot tree is producing so much amazing and sweet fruit.

we visited simmone and lily...

So lovely to finally meet Lily. She is so small and delicate. I find it so hard to believe Liam and Kai were that size once. Liam looked like a giant next to Lily. He was very interested and affectionate with her too, although he made it known he was not happy with his Mumma holding another bubba. I wish I could have sat and held Lily for longer. Simmone seems to be taking to motherhood easily. She's a natural. It was so funny when she half jokingly told me that "Lily is the boss of me". If you knew Simmone you would think it impossible for anyone to be the boss of her. We had a really lovely visit and I think we have started to shape up a plan to visit them in Tasmania this March. It will be fun. We would take our car over on the Ship and stay for a few days by the beach in their family's beach house. Should be wonderful for us to get away for a while.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

power family picnic

We had a really fun day. It was boiling hot but we had brought some spray bottles full of water and everyone loved them. Kai had so much fun and ran around until he was exhausted. He was really excited to see Santa and loved his present (a safari book).
I am pretty tired with the heat and sun and am just about to flop down on the couch and hopefully not have to get up again for the day.

Here are some photos from today