Wednesday, December 19, 2007

had a great birthday

We all had a really great time in St Kilda, waiting until E was finished moving us into the new house.
We had breaky at the Gal first. Liam had his first bubbacino which was funny.
Then we played at the park and had a rest. Gaye made one of her famous walnut cakes with Smarties. The highlight of the whole day was when we had all finished singing happy birthday and Liam sang "Happy Birthday to you" as clear as day. None of us could believe it. He hasn't come close to speaking as clearly since, so it was really special to have that happen then.

1 comment:

Simmone said...

Hi Jo Jo
Did I miss your bday,glad to hear you had a lovely day and how many gals get to move into their own house for their special day. How cool that Liam serenaded you!!
Happy Birthday Beautiful
Love you xoxoxo