Friday, December 7, 2007

we visited simmone and lily...

So lovely to finally meet Lily. She is so small and delicate. I find it so hard to believe Liam and Kai were that size once. Liam looked like a giant next to Lily. He was very interested and affectionate with her too, although he made it known he was not happy with his Mumma holding another bubba. I wish I could have sat and held Lily for longer. Simmone seems to be taking to motherhood easily. She's a natural. It was so funny when she half jokingly told me that "Lily is the boss of me". If you knew Simmone you would think it impossible for anyone to be the boss of her. We had a really lovely visit and I think we have started to shape up a plan to visit them in Tasmania this March. It will be fun. We would take our car over on the Ship and stay for a few days by the beach in their family's beach house. Should be wonderful for us to get away for a while.

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