Saturday, August 11, 2007

Lovely Saturday in Ormond...

We had a lovely afternoon with Gaye and Mart. Mart made a chomlette* and I made egg sandwiches. It was fun and easy and reminds me of the reason I moved back here.

It always seems the same on the weekends, Eli and I both struggling to get some time to ourselves. We are both acutely aware of who has had an iota of free time so we can claim our own. Sometimes I feel like I just have to STOP trying to get things done (work, cleaning, washing etc) and just play with the kids, it's always fun and I forget that. I guess my greatest challenge as a Mum is to let things go a bit...leave the dishes and enjoy making a mess with the kids.

It seems that Eli and I really chose to sell our house at the right time, the housing market is really tanking in the States although the repercussions will be felt everywhere. When America sneezes the world catches a cold.

*flourless chocolate cake made with lots of eggs.


david santos said...

Very nice fhotos and very good text. Thank you

mekkanikal said...

lol yes so true "When America sneezes the world catches cold"
nice pics, hope you are having fun with your kids. Whats the link to your folio website?