Sunday, October 28, 2007


We got the house. We are so excited. Eli is really happy, he has so much space there to do all the things he does best. We are very HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY!

blueberry boys

It's a really windy, warm morning. The boys are outside eating frozen blueberries. I am about to leave to meet a friend for coffee. Eli and I are both quite anxious as we put an offer in on a a house yesterday and we hear today if we have been accepted. We are both pretty wary about it as we got so disappointed last time when we didn't get a house. Anyway, Eli seems in such high spirits and really excited about all the things we could do to this house. He has been a little hesitant about buying something now, but at the same time he is so frustrated at not being able to sink his teeth into any projects. I think we are making the right decision, even if it's not this one.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

sweltering sunday...

I had been looking forward to a local fete that was on in Bentleigh this weekend. I really thought Kai would love it as the signs around had advertised a jumping castle, prizes, etc. Mart came over to come with us, and I didn't realize until we stepped outside to start walking there just how hot it was today. In retrospect I would have forgoed the fete and just prepared for Nan's birthday in the park. But we walked there and were all boiling by the time we got there. We had to stop and get icypoles on the way to cool off. The fete was packed and although Kai did have a great time, we were both pretty overwhelmed with the heat. We were in and out pretty quickly, but not before Kai had a go on a big slide and the baby animal exhibit.
We later all went to Nana's birthday party in a local park. It was really fun. There was lots of yummy food and we sat right next to a kids play area so Kai was really loving it. I think he also just loves being around everyone.
I have posted some photos here.
Kaisy and I are still awake (it's almost midnight). Kai has been sick all over the kitchen. I think he either ate something funny, or got a virus, or maybe just the heat is getting to him. Anyway he is lying on the couch under the open windows. I will probably lay down with him out here tonight, it's just too hot anywhere else.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

fun in the back yard...

Here are a few snaps taken of the boys playing in the yard. Kaisy was just running around in a circle for about 20 minutes...he's a funny little one...

on my way out to see nick cave at the forum...

I went and saw nick cave with Mart and her friend Ange. It was OK. I think it's the 3rd or 4th time I have seen him and maybe that's enough. It's pretty expensive and I guess I get just as much enjoyment from the CDs (am I getting too old?). I guess it was just a bit loud and crowded and I just wanted to sit down and relax but it was standing room only. But it was a balmy night and it was great to be out and about in the city of Melbourne again.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

watching live music in st kilda

This weekend I took the kids to go and see mum. She had just returned from her vacation up north. We walked around a lot and went to a few parks, picked up a movie for Kai (Meet the Robinsons) which he really enjoyed. Later in the day we met up with Gaye and walked down to see some live music in the park. We were too late for the Choir of Hard knocks, but we sat and watched some of the music anyway. It was pretty loud and we ended up going to Luna Park and wandering around. It was a pretty great old day for us.

fun in the backyard...

We have been having so much fun in the back yard. On the weekends Gaye, Carm, Mart or Mum usually come over and we just hang out there. I am dying for the apricots to ripen.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Kai riding Spirit...

neglecting my blog...

I have become addicted to facebook. When I first set up a page on FB it was so I could access Simmone's page and I wasn't that into it. But now I am totally hooked. It's really a pretty easy to navigate bloggy site, I find it much better than Myspace (which I also have a page on). I am playing scrabulous (scrabble) with everyone online and it's so much fun. Anyway, I had a great weekend. Mart and I took the kids to the ponys in St Kilda and Kai had a ride. I will post pics as soon as she sends them.
On Saturday I went to Simmone's baby shower. It was lovely to catch up with her Mum as I hadn't seen her in over 15 years!
Simmone looked beautiful, and seemed ready to be un-pregnant. I can totally sympathize, the last few weeks are by far the hardest. Gyps was there and it was lovely to be in the company of my two oldest and dearest friends again.

If you are interested here is where I have been hanging out... but I'm sure it's a passing faze...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

goodbye roy and judy

Today is Judy and Roy's last day in Australia. Judy has booked her stay with the Brighton bed and breakfast for the same time next year. She says she will make it for the boys birthday as long as she is able.

Monday, October 1, 2007

day at the zoo...

Got up at 5am with a bubbly Liam. I decided to get ready and pack a big lunch for us to take to the zoo. We headed off at about 9am and met Judy and Roy at Flinders Street. We all caught the train to the zoo together. It was a great day. We say Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Elephants and Bears. There was so much more to see but we were all pretty tired after that. Kai got his face painted like a tiger. We all climbed a big tree in one of the picnic areas. I felt so proud of Melbourne showing Judy and Roy around. I think they have had a really nice time. Eli and I are starting to organize the back room of the house which has become the storage dumping ground. Still a long way to go until we have this place as fine tuned as we had our last house. We had storage for everything, so that everything we owned had a place to live. I loved that.