Sunday, October 21, 2007

sweltering sunday...

I had been looking forward to a local fete that was on in Bentleigh this weekend. I really thought Kai would love it as the signs around had advertised a jumping castle, prizes, etc. Mart came over to come with us, and I didn't realize until we stepped outside to start walking there just how hot it was today. In retrospect I would have forgoed the fete and just prepared for Nan's birthday in the park. But we walked there and were all boiling by the time we got there. We had to stop and get icypoles on the way to cool off. The fete was packed and although Kai did have a great time, we were both pretty overwhelmed with the heat. We were in and out pretty quickly, but not before Kai had a go on a big slide and the baby animal exhibit.
We later all went to Nana's birthday party in a local park. It was really fun. There was lots of yummy food and we sat right next to a kids play area so Kai was really loving it. I think he also just loves being around everyone.
I have posted some photos here.
Kaisy and I are still awake (it's almost midnight). Kai has been sick all over the kitchen. I think he either ate something funny, or got a virus, or maybe just the heat is getting to him. Anyway he is lying on the couch under the open windows. I will probably lay down with him out here tonight, it's just too hot anywhere else.

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