Monday, October 1, 2007

day at the zoo...

Got up at 5am with a bubbly Liam. I decided to get ready and pack a big lunch for us to take to the zoo. We headed off at about 9am and met Judy and Roy at Flinders Street. We all caught the train to the zoo together. It was a great day. We say Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Elephants and Bears. There was so much more to see but we were all pretty tired after that. Kai got his face painted like a tiger. We all climbed a big tree in one of the picnic areas. I felt so proud of Melbourne showing Judy and Roy around. I think they have had a really nice time. Eli and I are starting to organize the back room of the house which has become the storage dumping ground. Still a long way to go until we have this place as fine tuned as we had our last house. We had storage for everything, so that everything we owned had a place to live. I loved that.

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