Monday, October 8, 2007

neglecting my blog...

I have become addicted to facebook. When I first set up a page on FB it was so I could access Simmone's page and I wasn't that into it. But now I am totally hooked. It's really a pretty easy to navigate bloggy site, I find it much better than Myspace (which I also have a page on). I am playing scrabulous (scrabble) with everyone online and it's so much fun. Anyway, I had a great weekend. Mart and I took the kids to the ponys in St Kilda and Kai had a ride. I will post pics as soon as she sends them.
On Saturday I went to Simmone's baby shower. It was lovely to catch up with her Mum as I hadn't seen her in over 15 years!
Simmone looked beautiful, and seemed ready to be un-pregnant. I can totally sympathize, the last few weeks are by far the hardest. Gyps was there and it was lovely to be in the company of my two oldest and dearest friends again.

If you are interested here is where I have been hanging out... but I'm sure it's a passing faze...

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