Friday, January 25, 2008

carm's visit

I took Kaisy off to school today (he is still really upset when I leave him there) and then walked with Liam to pick Carm up from the station. The timing was perfect, we got to the station a couple of minutes before Carm's train came in. Then we went to the op-shop and walked home. Carm was a great visitor. She basically just entertained herself in the garden and took in the trees, birds etc. I ended up falling asleep for a couple of hours. Then i made dinner, picked Kaisy up and dropped Carm back at the station. What a lovely Friday... and I have 4 points left (weight watchers jargon) to splurge on tonight when I feel perfect...

1 comment:

Simmone said...

Hiya Hills family...congrats E on getting your Aussie working visa, and right in time for OZ day! Jo you are looking stunning in your red dress and lippie, the new place looks like it is really agreeing with you. And yes Kaisy is growong bigger, he looks like a little man with those broad shoulder...very cute. Hope u r all getting some sleep. Love Simm,Stell & Lil xoxo