Thursday, January 24, 2008

lazy thursday...

Well, it seems as if we have really settled into the relaxed lifestyle here. I am having trouble getting motivated to do too much. I am working quite a bit and I guess that's enough, but I feel like I should be doing more. Although it's really nice to have such peaceful days. Eli has been feeling really rudderless the last week or so... so it's a good thing his work permit came through. Yep, he is now a legal Aussie resident. We are so thrilled to finally put all the stress of that behind us.
Kai has been going to school everyday. He has been really upset when he gets there. He cries and cries and it is so hard to leave him. I started to think 5 days is too much for him and we should go back to 3, but when I ask the carers, they say he is fine after I leave. Then he seems happy and relaxed when I get there to pick him up, so I don't know, maybe i'll wait and see how things go.

Liam fell asleep early and Kai and I went for a wander around the backyard. I can't wait until it becomes more accessible for us all to play in. I think Kai is looking so much older in photos.

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