Tuesday, January 8, 2008

long time without posting...

Well it's been a few weeks since we moved into the new house. The first few days were pretty full-on. Trying to keep everything moving with the kids while still living out of the boxes was hard. But we are pretty much unpacked now.
Eli has started working his magic already (see new bathroom shot).
Kai has started school and seems to be liking it.
I just feel so relieved to have landed, and am so happy it's in such a beautiful place.
I was thinking today that the change of scenery hasn't had a huge impact, it's been more subtle. I only sometimes notice that there is no traffic noise, or the air smells fresher, or there are so many birds around, but I'm sure that I am being affected without it being a really conscious thing. I guess I just feel calmer, which is so wonderful for me.
I can see that there is so much to be done on the house to get it into shape again, but we have plenty of time and it's comfortable right now, so it's OK. I do wish I had more of an area for the kids to play outside. It's not so usable right now. I think that will be something we will have to address soon. Liam and Kai are just so active and they wanna get out and run around. Hopefully it won't be too long.

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