Wednesday, December 31, 2008

sunday at mum's

Kai, Li and I spent the day with Mum on Sunday. It was our usual meandering, roaming St.Kilda day and it was lovely. We took the boys to the Blessington Street Gardens and then onto the video store. We had planned to meet Mart and Gaye later in the afternoon after they had gotten back from visiting Mart's Nana in Inverloch, but her car had broken down on the way home and they had to take transport to get home. They were back in time for dinner and we all got to hang out for a little while. The kids fell asleep on the way home so Eli and I got to watch a movie, which is rare.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

christmas day in melbourne...

Christmas started early for us, Dad came over yesterday and totally surprised me by giving me a new acoustic (classical) guitar and amp and pick-up. It was so thoughtful and I loved it... all. The kids had a fun time with the gifts they got and it was hard to imagine that Christmas day hadn't even started. Mum stayed the night, the kids woke early and it was so much fun to watch them be so excited about the presents. I was allowed to go back to bed and get a few more hours sleep before lunch... then it seemed like everything was a mad rush after that. Lunch was great in the park... started off a bit hectic, but then settled into a really softly windy, sunny day. We are all home now and I feel pretty exhausted, the house is a wreck, but can wait until tomorrow.
here are a some pics...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ok birthday week is nearly over... tomorrow : )

Have spent the day trying to think of special things to do, but as I was free to work today and needing to work it has ended up being a pretty usual sort of day. I did go out and buy a cake so the kids and we can blow out the candles. Yesterday I got some lovely presents from everyone, E gave me a beautiful book about Illustrating children's stories, and Mum gave me a DVD with acoustic guitar lessons... plus I got loads of make-up so I am happy about that.
I had a pretty crappy nights sleep last night so the best birthday present I could have now is an early night with no crying babies [:o
On Sunday we all got together and had our book club and Gaye made a yummy cake...
here are a some pics...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

my beautiful mumma's birthday...

This morning we woke mum up by singing Happy Birthday to her... I had quickly worked out the chords and was able to play along. Then we all went out to breakfast up in the Hills. It was so rainy and a bit scary driving but we made it to a fun pancake place that was really yummy. The best part was the little munchkins fells asleep on the way home so should have a couple of hours of peace and quiet, until the next stampede.

my birthday starts this week...

I have decided to slightly stretch out my birthday this year so started early and had the most beautiful Thai dinner with my friends last night. We went to the local Thai restaurant here and I think it's pretty great. Marti said her Tom Yum didn't compare to the ones she was having last month in Thailand, but still thought it was good. Andrew and Roula gave me a book of Leonard Cohen's poetry which looks amazing and Simmone gave me the most beautiful silk coat... and chocolate... and many more beautiful things...
So even though it isn't officially the 16th I would have to say already 36 is going to be a good year : )

Monday, December 8, 2008

power family christmas party

Yesterday we all drove to Preston for the annual Christmas Party. It is amazing to me how big the extended Power family is. I still feel pretty shy and not too good about introducing myself (the name tags helped a bit), but slowly year by year I am getting to know people and start sorting out the individual families in my head. It's funny to think because of Grandpa we are all connected in this way. I get a bit sad when I see uncle Phil, because he kinda reminds me of Grandpa... and I missed him.
Here are a some pics...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

childbirth vs. getting a tattoo on your ankle...

hmmm, thought it would be a fun thing to get the little tattoo on my ankle updated after seeing a new shop had opened in Upwey. It was a fun and whimsical thing to do... I thought... until the guy started working and I remembered what it felt like to have a hot needle working around the ankle bone... ahhhh... I think it's more painful than giving birth...
I didn't flinch and kept it together although at one point I did start to feel a little nauseous... luckily it didn't take too long.
Just one of the many fun things I am getting up to on Thursdays, which is now becoming official "me day"!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

grandpa don's visit

Dad came up yesterday and spent the day with us. He bought some books to show me and we got to concentrate on a bit of guitar. Eli also got his harps out, the kids started dancing and I think we were all actually jamming there for about... 2 minutes. Liam is a little gremlin when I am playing as he has worked out that the best way to make me stop is to twist all the tuning heads as I play.
We took the kids for a walk and got them off to sleep, Dad is starting to get used to all the hills around here. I fell asleep as soon as the kids were in bed and E and Dad stayed up yakking.

grandpa walter's visit

Walter came on a whirlwind visit last week. It was great that he got to spend some time with us during his work trip this month. We didn't do too much, just stayed close to home mostly, but that was nice... and relaxed. On Monday Eli had to work so Walter and I spend a really good and constructive day with the kids. We managed to get them both to sleep at the same time and then took them for a walk to the park. The kids spent the whole time running through puddles and getting soaked with water and mud. It was one of those situations where you just have to give in and let them be kids... they can have a bath later. As I was watching them slop around in the cold mud I had a very strong sense memory of what that felt like, I remember spending hours outside in the mud... rain, hail or shine, I just loved it!