Sunday, May 10, 2009

dinner and a movie...

E and I haven't really gone out for a while, just the two of us, so last night was really special to me. I had organized for Mum to come up and mind the kids and really wanted to go to an Indian restaurant I have heard great things about. I rang for a reservation but was told there was nothing available, but decided to turn up early anyway and see if we could squeeze in. It was great we got a fantastic table and the food was amazing. I can't wait to go back again. Eli ate a chili meal and was dared to go up to a 5 XXXXX rating for strength... He chose 1 X and was still pretty blown away by how hot it was, but say next time will try 2 or 3 X. We went and saw Star Trek in Belgrave and it was really fun, It still takes a lot to keep me interested in any kind of actiony-scifi kind of movie, and I did find my mind wandering at times, but it was definitely a lot better than I anticipated. Anyway, it was a great night for me and I really want to try and make the effort t do it more... while we can : )

1 comment:

LaShare said...

I Love that U both made time for Date Nite. It's really impt to have in a relationship.
Sounds like U both got what you needed :-)