Thursday, November 27, 2008

crazy upwey weather...

Today was pretty warm. I had to get about 3 buses to get to a doctors appointment and by the time I got there It was really hot in the bus and kind of stifling. Anyway it started to storm after the kids got home and then the hail came down. It was amazing and HUGE! The roof felt like it would cave in under the heavy pelting. This is the kind of weather I missed all those years in LA.
I have been pretty sick this week, but not letting it keep me down too much. I guess I should try and rest a little bit but can't seem to find the time. Right now the house is a bit of a disaster and I have been trying to clean up without too much success. I am madly trying to find my guitar tuner, which I think Liam may have thrown in the bin... maybe I should learn to tune my guitar without one (please dad!)... it's just so easy to use.
The bar is opening on Friday night so we are all planning to head down there to have the first of what I think will be many fun nights. I am so excited to see the final product of Brad, E's and (Gyps) hard work. Something tells me Oscars is going to be a pretty cool place...

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